Obisan disinfection in hospital with fogging


In hospitals, we have designed novel fogging devices in order to tackle the problem of MRSA (Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections, normally contracted in the hospitals themselves, with cold fogging.


Considered a superbug, MRSA has developed a resistance to most antibiotics and is extremely potent, but we have proof that our biocide does decrease its numbers significantly in the hospital setting. The human and financial toll that MRSA exacts is very high, if we take EU as an example, there are more than 150,000 hospitalized patients infected annually (around 5,000 patients die each year as a result). While most patients are treated successfully, particularly if the infection is identified early, hospital stays are often extended by an average 9.1 days, accounting for excess costs of about 20,000 euros per patient. The total cost burden to the European health care system from MRSA infections is estimated at more than 2.5 billion euros annually.


MRSA is just one of the many microorganisms we can successfully tackle (also funghi, algae, viruses and other bacteria, especially important is also legionella, which infects the water systems), which is a consequence of the mechanism of action of Steriplant N.